If you know anything about me, then you're probably aware that I rarely hold back on sharing my embarrassments. So have we ever discussed the fact that I didn't use dry shampoo until two months ago? Up until then, I was convinced dry shampoo just didn't work on my hair. Which meant I'd have to wash my hair almost every single day, and who has time for that?! Not me, especially with my new extensions (which in case you're wondering, are still named Moira Rose).

It turns out that nothing was wrong with my hair—I just wasn't using dry shampoo correctly. I guess you aren't supposed to spray almost the entire bottle directly on your scalp? There's a reason I'm more #pantrygoals than #hairgoals. Thankfully, I figured it out because Living Proof sent me a massive case of their Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo, and it's honestly life-changing. Whenever my hair feels dirty, I spray some on my roots, and I'm able to prolong blow-drying my massive amount of fake hair.

And while we're on the topic of hair care confessions, I should also mention that I'm in my mid-thirties and already completely grey. The secret is out, y'all! I know grey hair may look chic on Roberta but not so much on me. I honestly have to get it colored every two to three weeks--which becomes a problem when I’m on a crazy travel schedule (which is always). I’ve noticed that using dry shampoo instead of washing my hair every day has helped extend the life of my color until my next appointment—and also has made my life a lot easier.

Living Proof’s Color-Care Shampoo & Conditioner also came to my rescue. I start using both *right* after my color appointment and it helps keep my hair healthier so the pigment lasts longer. Here’s a fact: Did you know that many color-care shampoos contain silicone? What’s ironic is that silicone actually weighs your hair down and leads you to shampoo more often, causing your hair color to fade and the cycle of damage to continue. Living Proof treats us better than that with a silicone-free formula that’s super lightweight but surprisingly moisturizing!

And then, if only to outdo themselves, Living Proof blessed us with their new Color-Care Whipped Glaze. I’ve started to use the Dark version a couple of weeks after I get my color done or whenever my hair starts looking sad. The Whipped Glaze basically deposits a temporary pigment back into my hair for that vibrant just-left-the-salon look. It’s perfect for anyone who craves the same amount of instant gratification as I do. (Joanna does too and she uses the Light version).

I’m literally due for color *tomorrow* and all of these Living Proof Color-Care products, especially Whipped Glaze, have my hair color holding strong. I’m honestly worried that my stylist will think I’m cheating on her.
xo, clea