5 Small (and Easy) Ways To Build Healthier Habits

5 Small (and Easy) Ways To Build Healthier Habits

Whether tackling cluttered spaces or making New Year's resolutions, we're all about embracing the Low-Bar Lifestyle—or, in other words, setting the bar just low enough to accomplish all kinds of bite-size victories rather than committing to an unrealistic goal and feeling guilty when things don't go as planned.

Think about it: most goals we want to achieve stem from bad habits we want to break, so it only makes sense that building one small (good) habit at a time makes it more likely to stick. Instant reward, anyone? From eating healthier to exercising more, here are some ideas to help you achieve your wellness wins while staying organized in the process.

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If you want to eat healthier or cook more...

The Home Edit

Keep It Visible

Original packaging is like that old sweater you keep meaning to donate—it’s just taking up space and not doing you any favors. Ditch the boxes, toss the bags, and transfer everything you can into clear canisters with custom labels. Not only will you actually know if you need quinoa (instead of buying your fifth bag), but you’ll also have zero excuses not to tackle that healthy recipe you bookmarked six months ago. Freshness and visibility? A match made in pantry heaven.

The Home Edit

Prep Ahead

No one wants to chop cucumbers or wash lettuce after a marathon day of Zoom calls or toddler wrangling. Do yourself a favor and prep your healthy grab-and-go meals or ingredients ahead of time in clear airtight containers, preferably clear bento boxes with separate compartments, so food stays fresh and organized. Just don’t forget to write an "eat this before it turns scary" date on the lid.


Head here for more tips to simplify your meal prep and reach your healthy eating goals.

If you want to exercise more...

The Home Edit

Create an At-Home Gym

Working out doesn’t have to feel like a production. By setting up a dedicated exercise space at home, you remove the biggest obstacles—time, effort, and excuses. You don’t need fancy equipment; just a yoga mat, a set of free weights, or resistance bands on a rolling cart will do the trick.

The Home Edit

Designate a Zone

Getting dressed shouldn’t be harder than the workout itself. Dedicate a zone or drawer in your closet just for workout gear so you can grab and go. If storing in a drawer, use expandable dividers to keep each category (leggings, tanks, sports bras, etc.) neatly filed and easy to see.


Head here for more easy ways to fit exercise into your everyday routine.

If you want to save money...

The Home Edit

Make Backstock Your BFF

Keeping a backstock supply of items you always use without fail can save you money (and time and sanity) in the long run. When you buy in bulk, you can avoid buying unnecessary items and cut down on trips to the store. What's better than that?

Head here for more small ways to organize your expenses and your life to save money over time.