Fresh Start February

Fresh Start February: A Realistic Approach to Achieving Your Goals

Fresh Start February: A Realistic Approach to Achieving Your Goals
Welcome! Step inside and leave your guilt at the door. You’ve officially made it to Fresh Start February – a month that celebrates taking the smallest steps over the lowest bar to live your best life. Whatever your goal may be, the slower you go, the smarter you are, the sooner you’ll get there. No, it’s not Girl Math – it’s actual science! 
Taking the path of least resistance leads to instant reward, which is exactly how habits become hardwired in our brains. Understanding this puts us back in the driver’s seat and gives us more control – another thing our brains love – with updated strategies for long-term success.  Each week of Fresh Start February, we’ll be diving into a different theme but with the same goal in mind: Helping you take baby steps to achieve bigger wins and build better habits over time. Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and follow along! 

week 1: digital detox

The Digital Decluttering Checklist

From rearranging apps in rainbow order to automating your inbox, here's our step-by-step guide to tackling your digital clutter when you are already crunched for time.

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week 2: wellness

5+ Small Ways to Achieve Your Wellness Goals in 2024

When life itself feels like a workout, it can be tough to prioritize, well, working out. But instead of taking an all-or-nothing approach to fitness, we suggest taking the path of least resistance. Here's how!

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week 3: Micro moments

7 Small Organizing Projects That Make a Big Impact

Want to get organized but don't know where to start? Here's a brand-new list of bite-sized projects you can tackle in fifteen minutes or less.

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week 3: Micro moments

How to Simplify Your Morning Routine

Don't let your 5-9 ruin your 9-5! Try these easy systems to help you rise, shine, and get out the door on time.

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