1. Who or what inspired you to pursue your line of work and become a creator?
Motherhood was my biggest inspiration. When I was pregnant with my first born, I didn’t see any sites that spoke to women of all diversities and backgrounds. I would struggle to find a source for beauty, living, style inspiration where I could relate. I knew I had to create a website that could speak to all women, telling our journeys and celebrating being a woman and a mother simultaneously. That’s when The Cool Mom Co. was born.
2. What is the best piece of professional advice you've ever received? What is your favorite advice to give?
No is not an answer. When people tell you no, that doesn’t mean everyone will tell you no. All you need is one yes.

3. Walk us through your daily routine as a creator and business owner. What are some of the ways you keep your personal and professional life organized?
I try to book end most of my days with my children at the forefront. Up at 6am for our morning routine of breakfast and drop offs with the kids then off to set when I’m shooting Honest Renovations or in meetings with my team on new projects we have coming up. I try to do a social shoot twice per week to keep content fresh and relevant. I also love interviewing guests on my podcast twice per week so it takes quite a bit of time to prep and produce the final podcast. I try to include weekly sessions for me to write as well: I’m writing a book, I write a ton of articles for The Cool Mom Co. and special op ed pieces on Yahoo and other sites, and write for new projects. There are also a ton of zoom calls in between. I try to wrap most of my work days by 6p to spend time on homework with the kids and making dinner for the family.
4. You talk to so many moms on your podcast - has there been a general consensus on universal struggles in motherhood and what has been the biggest takeaway you’ve learned from those conversations?
I am constantly learning so much from my phenomenal guests! I will say, not one mother has ever claimed to have it perfected or know it all. Every mother I have interviewed understands motherhood is a journey and having a supportive space to share their story or listen to others, is a necessity. I am humbled that these women trust me to help tell their stories so that mothers everywhere can relate and feel heard.