1. Who or what inspired you to pursue your line of work and become a creator?
"I started creating digital content to connect with my community in the first year that Twitter was launched and then continued to establish relationships with my community on Facebook and Instagram. My first workout video/DVD was a series of seven workouts called The Hollywood Trainer Cross Training Series, which I produced over 20 years ago, and then distributed in over 17 countries worldwide. Ten years later, I created my Healthy Living Club (The Hollywood Trainer Club)when Apple released the first laptop with no DVD drive around ten years ago. That was the moment I realized that if we wanted to keep making workout videos and connecting with our community we would need to do it streaming because DVDs are going to be obsolete very soon."
2. What is the best piece of career advice you've ever received?
"Find what you love to do and find a way to offer it to millions."

3. What is your favorite advice to give?
"Listen to your intuition. No one knows you better than you know yourself. Take time cultivating a relationship with God and yourself so you understand your gifts, your passions and the unique qualities you have that can bless others."
4. Walk us through your daily routine as a creator and business owner. What are some of the ways you keep your personal and professional life organized?
"I wake up, workout then get to business. Everything I do when it comes to work is connected to my mission which is to inspire as many people as possible to enjoy the benefits of healthy living. To stay organized, I keep an organized "to-do list” to help me prioritize tasks. I say “NO” to the things that do not align with my passion, purpose, or mission, and I also accept that sometimes we will not get everything done and it's okay. Tomorrow is a new day, the sun will rise again, and we will do our best each day."

5. How do you celebrate Black History Month? Is there a certain historical figure or moment that holds the most importance to you and your family?
"I celebrate being Black every day. I am Black so I live the Black female experience in America every day of my life. I celebrate by pursuing my dreams and my goals knowing that thousands of younger girls are watching me and my work is inspiring them to do great things!
I have always been inspired by Madame C. J Walker, the first American female self-made millionaire. She was African American but she was also the first female self-made millionaire out of all American women."

6. What do you recommend for people who want to prioritize wellness but struggle with inconsistent schedules/routines?
"Create a schedule and create a plan. Every successful thing you accomplish in life is done with a plan and execution. Your health is no different. If you need help with a plan then come on over to my Healthy Living Club and I have the plan for you. I’ve been doing this work for 30 years so I have a bit of experience. We go to a dentist to clean our teeth, a hairdresser to do our hair, a mechanic to fix our cars, and I urge you all to follow a health and wellness expert to help you with your workouts and meal plans. All you have to do is login to the club each day, complete your workouts, follow our healthy meal plans, and get inspired and motivated with our community! Sharing your healthy living journey with a community can help you stay motivated, connected, and give you a sense of belonging!"
Follow Jeanette on Instagram and sign up for The Hollywood Trainer Club to achieve your health goals and live your best life in 2024 and beyond!